Mar 28, 2007

BORAT & 300

well, two movies i saw lately...both hilariously funny in their own way..
let me say at the outset that 300 wasnt meant to be funny , it was meant to be serious, scary, gory and frightening and inspiring al at the same time..
well it wasnt
i mean..if u think that people are going to get scraed by a huge gay guy wearing jewellry and whos done his eyebrows in the funniet way possible, ure deluded.
ure even more deluded if u think his huge army of scary creatures will scare the populace - mean..there are goats in there playing the sarangi for heavens sake!!!

now BORAT! theres a funny movie..its really really hilarious, if u dont mind utter vulgarity, crudity and what borders quite seriously on the verge of being soft porn.
it takes the mickey out of the developing world...and well too..
its a must watch!

as u can see..three posts in one day means that im really bored..


now..its time to get to my favourite post, and a long awaited one at that - COWS

well..i dont know if u know *ref to earlier post* that i belive that cows are out to topple the presidents (i mean all of them, not just the indian one)
i mean they seem placid, and stupid! but when it comes to chasing you, thwey become quite agile, and surprisingly fast..
i mean..there u r..strolling along ..playing with a kit kat yoyo thingy..and suddenly WHAM! ur on top of this muddloed old uncle on a scooter..or how about this..they chase you into closed shutters!!! they do!!! i swear!!!!
the one where they have perfected the technique of braking windshields on Fiat Uno cars is their peice de resistance..i can u not belive me after this!

I dunno

theres lots of stuff i dont know..(this is not to mean that i know lots either..its just a statement that noone should contradict at this point)...but i do have a theory..its one of my pet theories and i hope ull stay and read..

deja vu..all of us have felt it..ive always wondered what it is..
according to me..(and this is out of my own head btw)...we run parallel lives..u know..everytime you make a decision, there is a second, third, fouth, hundredth you out there living the alternative course..
i think deja vu is what happens when these live collide..for me a its a secure feeling..that no matter what decisions i have life would have reached this point anywway..
and hence..i continue to live in ignorance....

where the hell was all this?

So im shifting out of my old room..into a new and much nicer room...and i find all this wierd stuff..

1. A todo list from Oct 3rd. It includes buying a what i can only read as leather wacklos.
2. A series of converstaions written on small scraps of paper in class. in one of them i seem to be confessing to murder
3. One very very dirty old pair of socks
4. Three toblerones (i dint even know i had any)
5. Five empty eyeliner bottles
6. My marketing Textbook ! YAY!
7. A box with what seems like mouldy cake in it
8. One nokia charger which doesnt work
9. Two financila management textbooks - neither of them mine
10. A packet of orange glucose - ive never tasted the stuff

and this is only the if anyones lost anything..plz do come and enquire..the above mentioned things are now lying in a heap in the midle of my old room.. you are most welcome to sift thru it..

Mar 23, 2007

Dear All....

I miss home..I miss my family..moms cooking, dads songs, brothers jokes.. given a chance to redo things..i wouldnt leave home..EVER! i miss kuttamama..his stories..miss our cat..who is now pregnant..


Mar 17, 2007

Math and why i hate it the POM exam is over...(production and operations management) dunno why its called that..Coz i had a holy terror of this subject before i actually studied it..
I always thought a subject like that would be math oriented - and for those who dont know, my fear of math is legendary..but it wasnt!!!!!
it was , as is popularly called in our lauguage , gas.

the exam was ok..but i always wonder why i couldnt do math?
right from eighth standard..ive hated math..i love math tuition..but that was because i went to this really cool friends house to be taught by her really cool mom and i basically spent four hours chatting, eating, drinking the most amazing coffee in the world, watching tv, going up to the terrace to watch ships...and avoiding the subject like the plague.. poor aunty spent ages trying to make me study..i did try..but it just dint happen somehow..
pretty soon i ended up with a dragon of a teacher who MADE me work..and it drove me MAD!..
i kid u one point i actually started dreaming that x and y were chasing me around a cylinder with a cone on top and ended up pushing me off it ..and i plummented to my death...

anyway...i ended up dropping math after 10th..i thought i was rid of the subject for good..until i started prepping for the CAT..
i got to IIFT...(dunno how)..though its pretty obvious they dont have sectional cutoffs..and i was happy..until.........


anyway..i think..after the next two exams - International Eco and International Fin, i think im done with the calculator..for good..but somehow..i have this nagging feeling that god will continue to punish me for some sin i have committed in my past life.and will force me to look at numbers again..some day in the future..

On a related also terrified of cows(in some future post ill explain why)..i know noone will belive me , i can picture incredulous smiles, and annoyed grins as you read this...but yes -
i do belive they have a master plan for world domination, that they are going to over throw the indian democratic system..and will force us to watch them chew the cud until we humans die of boredom..


Mar 13, 2007

lucky me..

I have planning this post for some's actually the reason I started the blog in the first place..
Im really lucky to have two friends like them - Vodka and Humdrum.
Humdrum..shes one of my closest friends..we're soul sisters..we may not always agree, but we understand..oh the bitching and the fighting and crying and the gossiping..dont think i could have done those three years without fact in sure i couldnt have. we were always in it together.. we did everything that there was to be done (now dont worry we werent that bad!).. theres probably nothing we dont know about each other..

vodka - now what do i say about her? its been so long since we had the catch cry?
shes an amazing person..oh i dont mean to say that she has no flaws...the point is that i know her flaws..and love her just the same..miss her terribly..maybe we will follow our plan of growing old together ..getting an apartment together.. :)

both of them..theyve been my pillars of support, my lights, my hearts..
i love you both..very very much..

Mar 12, 2007

My heart belongs to Bombay

Its funny, even though ive been brought up in Kochi, a beautiful city, bombay is the city of my heart...
Its the loveliest city in the world, of the ones ive been to i mean..(not many to be honest)
Two of the most poignant memories i have of bombay -
One night at Worli sea face, its raining, slightly chilly and the spray from the sea whips into yr can taste salt on yr lips..
a little boy, carrying a plastic sack, appraoches me and payel and asks us to buy water. hes selling small bottels of aquafina for 10 bucks each. payel the soft hearted (bless her) buys three, even though we dont need any. the kid sits down next to us, quite comfortable in his shorts and torn shirt , and starts talking to us..he goes to school, he informs us proudly. He loves second standard, its much better than First standard. Payel and i grin at each other and tell him very solemnly that were sure it is.
his father will beat him if he doesnt go back soon. we urge him to leave. he grin waves and sprints off.
two mins later, a small voice asks us -"Chahiye?" Hes back, this time with a large pink spool of cotton candy hes bought off one of the vendors. he must have spent 20 bucks from the 30 payel gave him. he pulls off large sticky wads and presses it into our hands, smiles, and tells us to come back.

weve gone back many times, payel and i, but we never saw the little man again. i wonder where he is right now? and whether hes in third standard?

Another time, were sitting in shivaji park, on the grass, talking and having horrible vending machine coffee weve bought off the periphery of the park.
soon we notice that a group of men have started to create a ruckus. turning to look, its very obvious that theyre drinking, sitting in a circle on the ground. in two minutes theyve pulled up one of the smaller guys in the group and started beating him. his clothes come off and he starts screaming..we start to walk away quickly. suddenly the yelling becomes louder. turning to look, we see a prostitute, one of the many who grace shivaji park with their presence at night, barge into the group. she slaps the one who is clearly the ringleader and gives him a shouting in marathi.
whirling around, she picks up the discarded clothes of the poor guy, catches him by the ear, and drags him off to the police thana at the entrance to the park. silently, we follow her. a crowd gathers around them. another crowd keeps the other young men from running away.

watching to see what happens, we wait, convinced the constable would tell her to shove off.
he doesnt. he takes down her complaint and brings the rest of the guys into the station.

It happens only in Bombay.


why you are here

the point is..why r u here? if its to read something funny witty and sarcastic, dont. If its to be entertained - dont. if its because u have nothing else to do..welcome to my world (the only difference is that i do have stuff to do, im just not doing it)
this blog is going to be more abt me and my boring mundane life - if that sort of thing interests u- ur welcome to read...
but i warn u - ppl who come here and then expect the world will not get dont send me nasty comments later..its not my fault if u have nothing better to do with yr time


A really bad time to be doing this

This is soooo not the best time to do this.. i mean..its exams! well..third trimester at IIFt and u start realising exams will come and go...but life won't.. the kind of person who dosent study for exams (i used to be, im not now) rather do a million other things...
some of the things i do instead of studying -
1. Blog !
2. Read Happy Potter Fanfiction (dont u dare laugh- even badly written, no story, uninteresting magical world crap is better than international finance)
3. Sleep - Not the guilty kind of sleep, but the contended, theres no point im screwed anyway sleep
4.Watch south park over and over - it rules!
5. watch friends over and over - that rules too
6 watch sex and the city over and over - u shld have guessed by now that THAT DEFINITELY RULES
7. wonder what im doing in IIFT
8. Not find an answer to the above.. diverging..the point of this is that i should be studying..but im not..
wonder whatll happen to me if a flunk international finance - i can see my mom roll her eyes right about now and wonder why shes paying good money for me to be here - nothing much i guess..ill have to redo the exam..will flunk again..then ill pass out and get a job (I HOPE)

other subjects i loathe -
International Economics
Productions and Operations Management
Business Strategy

The point of this being that there is no poitn..and im whiling away my time..still this may be a good thind because im starting to feel guilty and maybe i shld go study...
