Mar 28, 2007


now..its time to get to my favourite post, and a long awaited one at that - COWS

well..i dont know if u know *ref to earlier post* that i belive that cows are out to topple the presidents (i mean all of them, not just the indian one)
i mean they seem placid, and stupid! but when it comes to chasing you, thwey become quite agile, and surprisingly fast..
i mean..there u r..strolling along ..playing with a kit kat yoyo thingy..and suddenly WHAM! ur on top of this muddloed old uncle on a scooter..or how about this..they chase you into closed shutters!!! they do!!! i swear!!!!
the one where they have perfected the technique of braking windshields on Fiat Uno cars is their peice de resistance..i can u not belive me after this!