Mar 13, 2007

lucky me..

I have planning this post for some's actually the reason I started the blog in the first place..
Im really lucky to have two friends like them - Vodka and Humdrum.
Humdrum..shes one of my closest friends..we're soul sisters..we may not always agree, but we understand..oh the bitching and the fighting and crying and the gossiping..dont think i could have done those three years without fact in sure i couldnt have. we were always in it together.. we did everything that there was to be done (now dont worry we werent that bad!).. theres probably nothing we dont know about each other..

vodka - now what do i say about her? its been so long since we had the catch cry?
shes an amazing person..oh i dont mean to say that she has no flaws...the point is that i know her flaws..and love her just the same..miss her terribly..maybe we will follow our plan of growing old together ..getting an apartment together.. :)

both of them..theyve been my pillars of support, my lights, my hearts..
i love you both..very very much..