A really bad time to be doing this
This is soooo not the best time to do this.. i mean..its exams! well..third trimester at IIFt and u start realising exams will come and go...but life won't..anyway..im the kind of person who dosent study for exams (i used to be, im not now)..id rather do a million other things...
some of the things i do instead of studying -
1. Blog !
2. Read Happy Potter Fanfiction (dont u dare laugh- even badly written, no story, uninteresting magical world crap is better than international finance)
3. Sleep - Not the guilty kind of sleep, but the contended, theres no point im screwed anyway sleep
4.Watch south park over and over - it rules!
5. watch friends over and over - that rules too
6 watch sex and the city over and over - u shld have guessed by now that THAT DEFINITELY RULES
7. wonder what im doing in IIFT
8. Not find an answer to the above..
anyway..im diverging..the point of this is that i should be studying..but im not..
wonder whatll happen to me if a flunk international finance - i can see my mom roll her eyes right about now and wonder why shes paying good money for me to be here - nothing much i guess..ill have to redo the exam..will flunk again..then ill pass out and get a job (I HOPE)
other subjects i loathe -
International Economics
Productions and Operations Management
Business Strategy
The point of this being that there is no poitn..and im whiling away my time..still this may be a good thind because im starting to feel guilty and maybe i shld go study...
Labels: International Finance